We are currently rebuilding the website!
My portfolio is online to find and to download
Meanwhile you can follow my news and current works on Instagram
For a job offer I’m always reachable per E-Mail

Infocomics, Comics & Graphic Novel

Illustration & graphics

Arts & Events
Personal visual projects for stages, events and exhibitions

Noémie Fantôme
Hello! I‘m Noémie, and I’m creating visual storytelling!
I come from the international arts and culture management field, where I have been working for over 15 years. Today I live in Berlin, as a comic artist and as a teacher. My heart beats for a for a wider access to art, culture and education for all. Humor and knowledge are at the core of my work.
Comics are a fantastic medium to democratize knowledge and I do believe it‘s the perfect medium to speak about hard issues in a smooth and accessible way. And it’s fun!